Seacoast Rotary Club - Message from the President

The Seacoast Rotary Club is a fusion of young professionals, new parents, members of law enforcement and the fire departments, Real Estate agents, non-profit professionals, Boy Scout leaders, a diverse set of bankers/financial managers, and even a member in her eighties who swims every single morning and still travels the globe on Rotary missions. What drives these Seacoast Rotary members to forego sleeping in on their Thanksgiving morning? “Seacoast Rotary is about giving back to the community and having fun in the process”, Club President Joy Riddell tells us. “The club has been hosting this annual Turkey Trot race for 10 years and it has become an annual tradition for families and allows our club of 37 members to provide upwards of $40,000 to local non-profit organizations.”